“ Learning how to actively manage and care for our mind body and spirit is essential to our health and performance. ”

FOUNDER, Jenn Nelson

Lead Sports Performance Coach

Individual Sessions

Individual sessions help an athlete improve their mindset and/or deal with any psychological / emotional issues that may be impacting their performance, health, and / or well-being. Many athletes deal with a lot of pressure, performance anxiety, mental blocks or loss of confidence. At takeabreathe.co we individualize each session for the athlete / performer / coach. We work with them to build a strong mindset that is not only applicable in sport, but also in many areas in life.

Group & Teamwork

• Jenn offers a variety of services to teams tailored to meet their needs and support their goals. This comes in many forms, including coach consultations, mindset optimization workshops, presentations, team building sessions, team leadership development, and more.

• Group or team meetings are efficient and engaging ways to bring mindset training to a group of athletes and/or coaches. They can provide athletes with individualized skills training, awareness on group/team dynamics, and tools to foster a culture and supportive environment among the team. Team settings are experiential and interactive, benefiting athletes as they are able to learn from each other.

Restoration to Optimization In:

• Emotional Resilience

• Mental Toughness & Agility

• Mental Blocks /Fears

• Managing Perfectionism

• Performance Anxiety

• Confidence & Consistency

• Tryout Preparation

• Focus & Attention

• Coping with Pressure

• Depression or Sadness

• Anger & Emotional Management

• Psychological Well-being & Mental Health

Schedule your consultation today or contact us directly to learn more.
