What is Breathwork?
Breathwork is a healing modality that uses simple controlled breath patterns to take you into a deep state of consciousness that provides a fast-track to emotional healing. It works by oxygenating the body (the equivalent of a brisk jog), increasing blood flow and bypassing the conscious mind.
Breathwork allows us to be still, be with ourselves, and breathe to feel through our experiences. It is a beautiful healing modality and sustainable method to provide long-lasting transformations in your sub-conscious and conscious mind.
•increase endorphins which support happiness & joy
•correct restrictive breathing patterns
•reduce stress-anxiety
•heal PTSD or trauma
•alkalize the body
•reduce inflammation
•access repressed memories relevant to healing
•increase clarity and focus
•elevate mood
•reduce cravings
•lower blood pressure
•strengthens emotional stamina
•improve sleep
•promotes digestion
•remove up to 70% of toxins from the body
•eliminate oxidative stress
•relief from addictions
•increased sense of personal power & confidence -
Jenn first guides you through systematic body relaxation and grounding meditation during a full Breathwork Healing session. She will then lead you through the conscious Breathwork Healing Journey itself to access your nervous system and release physical and emotional blockages once you are deeply relaxed. Rest, integration, and aromatherapy complete the session.
Wear yoga pants and a sweater or t-shirt to stay comfortable. You will lie with your arms and legs outstretched and your face facing upward.
Emotional clearing can be helped by using sage and palo santo.
Client's express that they feel warm, shivering sensations during a meeting. Others experience a trance-like state. There may be strong feelings of sadness, shame, or rage. Some people have blissful sessions where they feel connected to an infinite love. During your session, all of this is normal and to be expected. Your healing process includes letting go of those past feelings.
You will feel much lighter, more relaxed, and more in tune with your entire mind, body, and spirit once the tension that has been stored in your system has been released.